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UNDER CONSTRUCTION - This page acknowledges the dedication and contributions of Nova Scotian Police Chaplains who have passed away in recent years...

Father O’Neill or Father Lloyd, as he was known to the police officers with whom he served as volunteer police chaplain for over 40 years, was a native of Mulgrave, Nova Scotia.  


Ordained in 1965, he served as parish priest in various parishes in the Halifax Archdiocese. In each of the communities in which he was pastor, he assisted the local police department and the community at large.   


Besides his work with the Halifax Regional Police Service and the RCMP, he was coordinator of the RCMP chaplaincy program for the Province of Nova Scotia, a member of the board of Corrections Canada Chaplaincy Service and a member of the board of directors of the St. John Ambulance.  He worked as padre for youth training camps for the military and had a part to play in the training of new recruits to the Police forces of this municipality.  He  managed to do all this and at the same time provide outstanding service as a parish priest. Although he retired from active ministry in 2005 after 40 years, he continued to devote his time to his church and his community.  

The Reverend Canon Robert L. Power was born on August 2, 1950, in Dartmouth, NS.  He was ordained Deacon in 1974 and Priest in 1975 of the Anglican Church of Canada.  He served in the parishes of Petite Riviere-New Dublin, NS; Summerside-St. Eleanors, PEI; and Bedford, NS.  He was a Morris Scholar and did his sabbatical at Ripon Hall, Oxford, England, specializing in urban ministry.  He was very interested in ecumenism and supporting Beacon House Food Bank through his parish in Bedford, and Helping Hands Food Bank at Church of the Holy Spirit, Dartmouth. 


Robert served on many diocesan committees and was involved with postulants for ministry and supervising the newly ordained.  He studied in many countries including Great Britain, Jerusalem, Italy and the United States.  He proudly served as one of the Chaplains of the Halifax Regional Police for over 16 years and felt it was a way to serve his community and the members of the police service that serve and protect the residents, in addition to his parish families.  He was married to Theresa for almost 32 years, and was a devoted father to his daughter, Anne, and son, Andrew.

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Monseigneur O'Driscoll - bio info to come...

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